A guide to private sittings
A private sitting is a form of spirit communication, just like grand séances. The difference is that a private session takes place privately, one-on-one.
All attempts to communicate with the spirit world are, due to its nature, entirely experimental, therefore results can never be guaranteed.
A private sitting should be both a proving and an uplifting experience. We convey only positive messages.
Below are some answers to common questions that may apply to you regarding private sittings:
Will I get an answer to my future (will I be told)?
Definitely not! Spiritualist mediums do not track. What we are doing is trying to provide evidence of the survival of the human soul after death. We can provide guidance about the future, but it is you who choose your choices and actions.
Is it scary?
Not at all. Those who want to communicate with you from the spirit world are, more often than not, people you knew and cared about when they lived on earth – why should you be afraid of them?
But if they want to tell me something I don’t want to know?
The spirit world is, according to the laws of nature, bound to communicate in terms of truth and love, so they will not tell you anything that would worry you or make you angry.
Can they tell what will happen in the future?
No! They cannot predict your future because it does not exist yet. However, since they are not weighed down by physical mind and material influences, they can sometimes have a broader and more long-term perspective of the likely outcome of your actions. Therefore, they may try to alert us to these likely outcomes before they happen.
Does the media know everything about me?
The medium knows absolutely nothing about you before the session begins. During the sitting, the medium will only know the facts that the spirit world chooses to tell him/her. Just as when they lived here on earth, your friends in the spirit world will respect your privacy and nothing of a very private nature will be revealed – unless absolutely necessary for communication.
In addition, the media very rarely remember much after the session is over.
Should I think about the person or people I want to connect with?
You can do that if you want, but there is absolutely no guarantee that a particular individual will come through. Remember that we are completely dependent on the wishes of the spirit world to communicate. We cannot “call them” – it is up to them to decide whether they want to communicate or not. Concentrating on or wishing for a specific individual to come through is not recommended – it can limit the ability of those who are there to talk to you.
Is there anything I can do to make my sitting more successful?
Have an open mind. Try not to limit your thoughts to one or two people—communications can come from pretty much anyone you’ve known (or even from people who passed away before you were born).
Be honest with the medium. If you do not understand a part of the message, please speak up so that the medium can try to clarify it for you. Be honest with yourself; don’t say “no” just to be awkward and don’t say “yes” just to be helpful.
Keep these few simple guidelines in mind and your session should be an experience to remember.